Binary Host Star Imaging
Complementary to my spectroscopic study of binary host stars is my interest in using high spatial resolution imaging to detect planets in multiple stellar systems and determine the influence of multiplicity on planet formation, migration, and evolution.
In 2017 and 2018, the California-Kepler Survey (CKS) used precisely measured stellar radii (combining high resolution spectroscopy and Gaia) and precisely measured planet radii from Kepler to show that the most common types of planets are relatively small, < 4 Rearth, but also seem to come in two flavors — those that are scaled-up versions of the Earth (super-Earths, about 1-1.6 Rearth), and those that are scaled-down versions of Neptune (about 2-3.5 Rearth). To be clear, since we lack planets of either of these sizes in the Solar System, we really do not know how similar or different their other properties are to Earth and Neptune. For example, all of the Kepler exoplanets in these studies orbit their stars within 100 days, so the stellar radiation could play a larger role in shaping their final radii and compositions. But this was still an incredibly interesting detection, one that had been predicted for a few years but not observationally confirmed before.
However, one thing that is challenging with detecting planets from photometry, especially far away planets like those from Kepler (most are many hundreds if not thousands of light years away), is potential contamination in the photometric aperture by additional stars. These stars could be bound companions to the primary, brighter star, or they could be unrelated background stars at a different distance. But if the extra light from another star is not accounted for, that can bias the inferred transiting planet radius — you think all the light in the aperture is coming from one star, and thus all being blocked by the same fraction during transit, but it could be that some of the light is not changing during transit if there is a second star that the planet is not transiting. Since planet radii are derived from the transit depth, (Rplanet/Rstar)^2, we need to know Rstar to know Rplanet!
In Teske et al. (2018), I investigated the fact of close companions, both detected and undetected, on the observed (raw count) exoplanet radius distribution, and demonstrated that the valley between the super-Earths and sub-Neptunes is fairly robust to undetected stellar companions, given that all of the systems in the CKS underwent some kind of vetting with high-resolution imaging. However, while the valley in the distribution was not erased or shifted, it was partially filled in after accounting for possible undetected stellar companions.
This result was interesting because the position and depth of the radius valley can be matched with mass loss/evaporation models with different assumptions, one of which is the composition of the planet population. Owen & Wu (2017) and Jin & Mordasini (2018), each using slightly different evaporation/mass loss models, found that the radius distribution of Fulton et al. (2017) was well matched by models populated with planets having uniformly rocky cores, composed of a silicate-iron mixture similar to the Earth’s bulk density, and not by planets with cores having a substantial mass fraction (>~75%) of ice/water or made purely of iron. These authors, as well as Lopez & Fortney (2013), note that heterogeneity in the core composition would smear out the gap in the radius distribution.
By accounting for possible undetected companions, we observe a slight smearing out of the observed radius distribution gap (particularly in the oprob=90/10, which we think is the most realistic ratio). Our results suggests that, if there are undetected companions around the KOIs in the Fulton et al. (2017) sample, there could also be more heterogeneity in the core composition of most super-Earth and sub-Neptune planets than would be inferred from the original distribution. Specifically, a nonzero fraction of the cores could be composed of ice/water. Potential undetected companions complicate the origin story of these planets, as the addition of ice/water in the core opens up the possibility that they formed beyond the water ice line and migrated inwards, rather than only forming and migrating locally within the water ice line. Other factors not explored in my paper, like the relative importance of X-ray/UV flux over time as a function of stellar mass, could also contribute to the radius distribution being smeared out. This is one thing I’m hoping to investigate more with our MTS!
My paper also provided a cautionary tale: Even for targets at TESS-like distances (tens to hundreds of parsecs), vetting with high-resolution imaging is needed to infer the correct planet radius distribution.
I also published a comparison of high resolution optical spectroscopic versus high contrast imaging techniques for detecting close companions to Kepler objects of interest (Teske et al. 2015b), finding that the two techniques often do not overlap in the properties of companions they detect, suggesting that many KOIs may have more than one companion. This work was done as part of the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument (DSSI) team, the only group conducting high resolution, high contrast speckle "snapshot" observations (60 millisec) at large telescopes for Kepler-related follow-up (Horch et al. 2012, 2014; Everett et al. 2015; Howell et al. 2011).